version 1

Image Classification and Object Recognition

Yinan Yu, Yongzhen Huang, Weiqiang Ren, Chong Wang, Kaiqi Huang, Tieniu Tan

version 1

This page introduces a standard implmentation of Bag of Words model for image classification and object recognition.

The released software of our algorithm is a very initial version, which is just a basic Bag of words model, including:
and a trick which provides a small improvement in performance: flip the training image, double the training set.
So, the performance is about 45%.
There are many techniques to improve the algorithm, including The last, but the most important one is the context, which is usually just a combination with the detection score. I suggest the Deformable Part Based Model, which has been released for evaluation by Felz. Sorry that our detection algorithm can not be public right now due to the copyright and license problem.
I'm trying to release several versions of our algorithm to show each step of the algorithm, so it will be completed in future.