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AuthenMetric Face Recognition System:
Adaptive in Various Illuminations, Distinguishing Twins,
Be the Winner in Spot Performance Competition

¡¡¡¡In 20 Nov. 2005, three companies were invited to Baoding Jail, in Hebei Province , including CBSR, CASIA with face recognition systems to participate in performance competition. It turned out that AuthenMetric-F1 presented the highest performance, i.e. adaptive in various illuminations and distinguishing twins. Detailed proceedings followed.


2:00 pm, Nov. 20, 2005


Meeting Hall in Floor 5 th Baoding Jail Office Building


Six kinds of illuminations:

 (1) Turning on indoor lighting, opening the window curtain;

(2) Turning on indoor lighting, closing the window curtain;

(3) Turning off indoor lighting, closing the window curtain;

(4) Near to the window, closing the window curtain, no direct sunlight on faces;

(5) Near to the window, opening the window curtain, no direct sunlight on faces;

(6) Near to the window, opening the window curtain, direct sunlight on faces;

Enlisted systems

  • System A: AuthenMetric-F1 Indoor Type;
  • System B: the manufacture of one company;
  • System C: the manufacture of the other company.


Director, vice director of Baoding Jail, some other governors and engineers form three manufacturers.


Jailer twins, male, about thirty years old.

Enrollment condition

Turning on indoor lighting, opening the window curtain. [i.e. illumination (1)]

Competition mode

Face recognition or verification in six kinds of illuminations:

  • System A: 1-N mode;
  • System B: 1-1 mode;
  • System C: unkn own mode. (this company parried other companies' attent ion)


  • System A, AuthenMetric-F1 indoor type: adopting 1-N mode, in illuminations (1) - (5), successfully recognized all the attendees, including the twins, with no errors and only in illumination (6) failed to rightly operate.
  • System B: adopting 1-1 mode, in illumination (1) was able to recognize attendees except the twins and in all other illuminations (2) - (6) failed to rightly operate.
  • System C: in illuminations (1) ¨C (2) was able to recognize attendees except the twins and in other illuminations (3) ¨C (6) failed to rightly operate.


  • AuthenMetric-F1 indoor type was able to be adaptive in various illuminations with no direct sunlight on faces, even recognize the twins, presenting far higher performance than other two rivals.
  • It was first found that AuthenMetric-F1 was able to distinguish twins, which greatly enhanced self-confidence to our technology.
  • Face recognition under direct sunlight is an open question, of which expected solution depends on creative technology.
¡¡¡¡Press Release
¡¡¡¡Technology News

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